Sunday, November 17, 2013

Some Mid-semester fun

I know some of you may be wondering what in the world this has to do with Science?

Well, let me tell you.  

There is some serious science in here. For instance, this little girl - cute as she may be - is demonstrating establishment of brand new neurological pathways.  She has utilized tired and true learning skills based on modeling and usage of mirror neurons to develop her repertoire of not only carrying a tune, but of singing in harmony and even directing her ukelele playing accompanist - I assume her father - to sing the counterpoint.  That is pretty impressive for such a young child.  

More than that, the adult male who is singing with her also demonstrates some very good teaching skills where he guides rather than directs the little girl as she progresses through her song.  He demonstrates respect for her and encourages her to exercise what we in education refer to as "voice and choice".  He gives the child enough space and time for her to feel empowered in the musical exchange.  Modeling such behavior will encourage the child to develop a sense of teamwork and even self-esteem.  Through modeling,  the child knows, by direct experience that she is valued, and she will thus be inclined to treat people that way as well because it is part of her every day experience.  

I could go on more about how linguistics is playing itself out here, or even how the child is fixing her gaze as she attempts to focus on extraneous noises, but you only have so much time and this is supposed to be fun!  

Remember, science is everywhere!

Keep working hard, the semester is winding down.

Finish strong.
Mr. M

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ground Control to Major Tom - A real Spaceman sings David Bowie's "Space Oddity"

Canadian Astronaut, Colonel Chris Hadfield recently published a book, "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth."  It is an interesting read, and it was his interview on NPR prompted me to buy the book.  If you are interested in the NPR interview, click here.

Here is a quote from the interview, 

"I've been so lucky to have done two spacewalks. If you looked at your wristwatch I was outside for about 15 hours, which is about 10 times around the world. ..."

A book review is worth the 5 semester points toward your Science final grade. This translates to a half a grade increase.  Please feel free to contact me for more details.