Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Playing For Change - Stand By Me Videos

Stand By Me

The Producers of this video came up with the idea of creating a music compilation of music where they first recorded one street performer who lived in Santa Monica, California.  They took his song first to New Orleans and then around the world, and simply let other street performers listen to it and then add their contributions to the song.

Unlike the Piano Guys, these street performers never gathered in one place.  Instead, they just listened to the recordings through headphones and added in their pieces to the musical puzzle.  The result was creation of a richly flavored song by a virtual band of people who never met in person while the compilation was being made.

"Stand By Me," an old fifties song first recorded by Sam Cook, was the first song put together by the producers who called their innovative experiment, "Playing for Change." whose title has a double-meaning.  "Playing for Change" not only refers to what street musicians usually get paid; spare change, it also reflects the producers desire; to use music as a means of reaching across borders.  Their aim was to have people from various walks of life and different cultures who would otherwise never had the chance to meet, and create peace through the shared experience of music. 

As you watch this video, see if you can catch the New Mexico connection.  

Incidentally, the gentleman, Roger Ridley - click here to learn more about him - who introduces the song at the video's beginning - if I recall correctly, died of a heart attack on the day this video was released.  He never got a chance to see what his little performance in Santa Monica would become.

Notice also, how many times this video has been seen.

Next, is also a Playing for Change video of, "Chandamama". I have been told it is a popular folk song for children in India.  If any of you can verify, or add more to this conversation by translating the words for me, I would really appreciate it.



  1. Wow, these videos are in a way heart warming I guess you can say. It makes you look back and regret bad things you have done. It was amazing!

  2. I love these videos, they were very motivational telling how only one person can make a difference. I can reference this by me hearing a story about a 10 year old started a business to sell cookies and then the money was given to Africa for families without shelter or food. Within months, the business stretched across he globe.
