Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Golden Circle - How to Inspire Action

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it..."

How does the "Law of Diffusion of Innovation" relate to the video called, "How to Start a Movement." (click here to see)

Items to ponder:

1]  What is the significance of Simon Sinek's statements: "
     A  There leaders, and there are those who lead."  ... Those who lead because they inspire us...
     B] We follow them, not because we have to, but because we want to." ?

2]  Can you make any connections between what Sinek is talking about and
     A]  people significant in your life? 
     B]  your teachers and this statement?  

3]  How about the recent elections?  How does this awareness effect your perspective on the November 6 results?

4]  Can you make a connection between this talk and the video you first saw at the beginning of the semester regarding how to start a movement? 

5]  Can you draw any connections between what you are seeing here and any of the other blog posts you have seen here?  
  A]  Example:  Explain how this video is tied to, "Long Division Style." (click here to see)

6]    Can you give an example of how Sinek's talk might be something you can you use this knowledge in your future? 

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