Tuesday, October 9, 2012

May You Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder


In the ensuing days since school began three weeks ago, I have been approached by numerous students who have experienced difficulties with learning certain concepts.  I want you to put your fears to rest by reminding you that information which has been prepared for you to learn - particularly in science and mathematics - is information that has been thought about, created and discovered by the finest minds that have ever existed throughout the past three thousand years.

What many of you are being exposed to - sometimes in single lectures - are concepts that other Humans who came before you, spent their lifetimes trying to figure out.  Perhaps what is the most staggering thought for me to imagine is that you, nay we, are all learning  privileged information that the smartest of the smartest people that ever lived came to figure out.  

It is important that we keep in mind, that what we are learning are phenomena, described using mental constructs designed by Humans in order to teach fellow Humans.  We use this vector for learning in the process commonly referred to as, 'education.'  Try as we might, many of these concepts are still difficult to learn and we spend our days trying to get our heads wrapped around notions in the realm of Algebra for example.  We invest our time trying to understand how gravity works, or even why people fall in love.  Our world is full of questions - far more questions than we have answers for.  

Regardless, we continue in our struggle to make sense of our world.  No one ever said it would be easy.  But, I remain convinced that as each of you young scholars struggle, you are made better just by trying.  I understand your grades are important to you, but don't lose sight why you are doing what you are doing.  Don't forget that thinking abstractly is difficult to master, but it also carries with it a tremendous reward.  I want you to take comfort in knowing that you are getting your education in a very concentrated manner, and it is therefore no wonder why you are having such a difficult time making sense of it all.  After all, what you are being expected to understand is what people whom we collectively consider to be geniuses, struggled to make sense of as well.  Thanks to their efforts, you have the opportunity to understand.  Moreover, based on their findings, you will have a base from which to build your future discoveries.  

This is why I appreciate the Physicist, Dr. Neil DeGrasse-Tyson.  He has put in the time. He has devoted the energy to making sense of our world.  I suppose this why I love this video so much.

Because of Dr. DeGrasse,  and all of the other great thinkers who preceded him, our world is much improved.  His ability to think is a living example of the maxim, Knowledge is Power.  May you never lose that sense of wonder, and may you always have that sense of wonder so common to people who endeavor to satisfy their need to understand the unknown.  I sincerely hope that all of you become wellsprings of intelligence, and that your endeavors contribute to the betterment of the big blue ball we call home.

Always do your best, and never quit.

Mr. M

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