Monday, October 15, 2012

The Power of Music - The Power of Understanding

Oliver Sachs MD*, the narrator in this video is a Medical Doctor who specializes in, and has devoted his entire career to neuroscience; study how the brain works.  He has written several popular books - some have even made it into the New York Times Best Seller List.  

This Video offers insight to how the brain is wired.  I believe the most compelling message that I can take away after watching this elderly gentleman is that we Humans know so very little about how the brain functions.  That said, this video also shows me there is hope that we may some day come to understand the complexities of the brain.  It also illustrates how people can devote their lives to helping one another - and more importantly - that anyone with a genuine desire can bring about significant changes in the lives of others.  In this case, it was a Recreatonal Therapist who found a way to help a fellow Human Being - the gentleman named, Henry.

Neurobiology, the science of nerve cells - the tissue components that make up our nervous system - is a rapidly developing field.  And, researchers-turned-writers, like Oliver Sachs have popularized the topic by discussing why we do what we do.  

As a teacher - and because of my curiosity about why things work - I look at this video and wonder how I can apply such findings to my students.  I reach many conclusions.  Here are just three:

1]  All brains work the same - therefore when I see a phenomenon like using music to reach into the mind of someone who suffers, it helps me to understand that there are generalized lessons we can take away regarding how we process information.  In a very real way, seeing this offers hope where once there was none.

2]  I realize that different people respond differently to different stimuli.  Which causes me to wonder if there is something in music, or maybe even just in the way I can approach my students, other fellow Human Beings or creatures in order to make connections that will have positive outcomes.

For instance, in education, a big buzzword term is, "differentiated instruction" which simply means finding ways to teach students according to their need - in other words, customizing the learning process on an individualized basis with the intent of helping a student learn in ways that are easiest for that student.

3]  Communication is über important.  If I understand that thinking, or developing special talents is basically like a having a set of well-traveled pathways developed in the mind, then what are the best ways to develop pathways?  Could it be repetition?  Could it be teaching my students to understand?  How about emotions, and how my students are feeling?  How much does that have to do with helping a student to learn?  Is it better to have a calm student?  How does making learning seem like fun help students to retain information?  

The truth is that I use a lot of Neurobiological concepts and findings to help my students learn.  This is why I never humiliate or yell at my students. This is why I use Youtube videos and music to get into my students' brains.  This is why I use, "the three H's"; High Fives, Hand-shakes and Hugs.  Maybe it should be the Five H's - because Humor and Happiness are critical for optimizing a teacher-student relationship as well ...just a thought...  This is why I practice calm, happy, even goofy behavior that I want my students to model.  

I use this relaxed teaching approach because I am convinced a happy, relaxed student is more apt to learn.  I have made a conscious decision to take my time whenever I am helping a student learn a difficult concept.  I want my students to realize that when we are calm is when we are most likely to develop a deep understanding of a very difficult concept.  I do so because a student that feels respected, calm - even loved - is most likely to flourish in school, and more importantly, Life.  

It is fairly common knowledge that people mimic behaviors, so a child that has been treated with respect will be respectful.  A child treated with kindness learns how to be kind.  

Conversely, a child that has not been valued will not be very pleasant to be around.  To my way of thinking, such a child should not be shunned but rather, understood - because bad behaviors can be changed and people will be just about whatever we expect them to be.

And so, my fellow Human Beings, whether we are teachers or students, let us make as many connections as possible - not only with what we are learning, but - with one another and everything on the planet.  

It is said that knowledge is power.  If that is so, then the most powerful tool we have is understanding, and understanding is nothing more than learning.

Learning is life and Life is learning. 

Always do your best, and never quit.
Mr. M.

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