A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. - Albert Einstein
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Hands-on Art Museum - Why can't we do this in New Mexico?
This video was shot by a former colleague of mine, Taylor Sloan. We taught at another school together last year. He actually interviewed for, and was offered a job here at our new school, in Albuquerque. Unfortunately, it didn't work out and he moved back to Kansas in pursuit of employment. I hope he can come back some day, and create a video like this, to spotlight all the good we are accomplishing at the Southwest Aerospace Mathematics & Science, SAMS Charter School. Of course, this is for entirely selfish reasons, because I happen to think this school is at the forefront of learning in the nation.
The topic of study in this video has to do with integrating arts and the Common Core. It is such a simple notion and yet has such powerful implications.
Mr. Sloan has such a good eye for seeing things we all take for granted.
In his book, The Alchemist, Paul Coelho wrote, "...Wherever your heart is, there is where you will find your treasure." That is what Libraries, Museums, Schools and school buses tell me about our society.
Marshaling those opening and closing visuals of the big yellow school buses pulling up to, and away from the library, the video beckons us enter that world of the mind where institutions gather to become more than the sum of their parts. Like the Library, a school bus is such a powerful image; they represent our investment, as a society, into our children and our commitment to the future.
I am so impressed with the quality of thoughts captured from the young people featured in this video. As the New Mexico Legislature convenes, let us hope they have the presence of mind and ability to see that what we are doing in Charter schools is special. Moreover, our primary objective is to foster an environment where we are building World Citizens who have been equipped with the wherewithal to meet future challenges with confidence, and a deep understanding of the far-reaching implications of well-reasoned decisions based on the common good of this planet and all creatures which inhabit it.
There was a statement made by the artist/photographer, Terry Evans who said something about art that accurately reflects what it takes to accomplish any thing worth while;
"...If you think you love art, and want to be an artist, then you must just follow your heart. And you must just keep making art. No matter how hard it is sometimes, and no matter how much sometimes you feel like giving up, or like what you are making isn't really worth it. It is. It really matters."
Never quit and always do your best,
Mr. M
Note: This video qualifies as a 5 point maximum extra credit paper for your semester's final Science grade - that's a half a grade added to your final grade.
However, it must meet the following criteria: 1500 word minimum (to 10,000 words maximum) to include a summary of the video and an exposition that discusses a topic of your choice mentioned in the video. Make sure it is copy edited, spell checked and set-up in a word document.
Should you elect to take this challenge, your essay on this post ought to be fun, and rewarding for you. If you take any other approach to it, or if it ceases to be fun, then you are doing something wrong.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Nothing is Impossible...
"Just because I can't do it today, doesn't mean I'm not be able to do it some day..."
I watched this video and wondered how this could have anything in the world to do with science? It came upon me that the power of the Human Mind is precisely what science has not yet completely tapped into. More than that, I decided to post this video because it represents all that is good about the Human spirit.
Lest we forget, many of us come from varied walks of life. None the less, we all share a connectedness; our Humanity. This post is important because it reminds me that we all face challenges. Coming to a new school and adapting to a whole new way of learning has been your challenge, and each of you have come way with varied results. I am impressed because - to a person - you are proving that you have what it takes to be successful. I admire the resolve each of you has demonstrated in this endeavor. For what might have appeared impossible has become merely routine for each of you.
To be certain, there is always room for improvement, but at least for me, that means there is hope, because the measure of any given person is not based upon whatever limitations have been put upon them. It is gauged by their willingness to face those challenges. It is based upon their refusal to quit despite the odds.
Since Scientists have already discovered the existence of mirror neurons which account for our ability to mimic behavior, videos such as this are invaluable because they provide patterns which our brains are able to recognize and process. Regardless of our present inability to vet out the nuances of how this happens at this point in Human history, I am willing to settle for a descriptive such as, 'inspirational' until which time we do grasp precisely what happens when we see fellow Human Beings meet their challenges and realize that we too can follow suit.
Undoubtedly, there are neural pathways being tapped into - through both sight and sound, through musical rhythms, and harmonies that we are only beginning to understand. And that is what is most compelling to me; I may not understand all the complexities, but it is fascinating what role emotion plays in helping us to prevail over adversity, our ability to make connections and feel a sense of happiness for a complete stranger.
Never mind that this gentleman's vestibular system and metabolic capacity is dramatically altered through Yoga - truly impressive - and yet, so much more is happening than the physics of motion, or potential and kinetic energy transformations as related to human movement, or the vectors tied to kinesthetic learning and its relationship to robotics etc. The list could go on and on...
Thus, my fellow students, regardless of how nebulous this 'inspirational' this video appears at first blush, I am confident your generation will make significant inroads to understanding the components and the roles they play in driving us to do more, discover more and be all that we are capable of being.
"Never give up"
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
What motivates you to learn?
This talking comic strip basically summarizes the book, "Drive" written by Daniel Pink. It offers some interesting insights that seem counter-intuitive.
Pink talks about Autonomy, Mastery and Engagement. Pay attention and see if you agree.
Check it out and if you like it, read the book - for anyone who wants to borrow the book from me, I have one. Just ask.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Success - Is it Luck, Preparation or a matter of Timing?
Dear Students and Parents;
First off, I know that watching this post is going to take up a 100 minutes of your life just to watch. However, this is very likely the most significant video posted on this entire blog - chiefly because it synthesizes what I have been trying to get across since my very first post. It is about being unique, being brilliant and being able to get along with people. More than that, it speaks to what it takes to be a success - in whatever one chooses to become.
Louis Pasteur, the scientist who 'discovered' the process of milk pasteurization said, "Chance favors a prepared mind."
If you have the opportunity, I also encourage you to read all of Malcolm Gladwell's books, but the focus of this video is his book, "Outliers."
Here is my incentive for any of you students who want to receive credit for the entire semester; all you have to do is watch, and give me a written commentary on this one, single video. In doing so, you will receive credit - for the entire semester's requirement for 12 feedback assignments, or you can also just read, "Outliers" and give me a book review. My only requirement is that you;
1] Give me a synopsis - minimum three paragraphs.
2] Share your thoughts in an intelligently written essay - you choose the approach, all I ask is that you wow me with your brilliance. I assure you, this will not be difficult. You have all the brilliance it takes to shine in this assignment.
3] The due date for this assignment is 15 December, and the entire paper cannot be less than 1500, or more than 10,000 words. Some of you people are prolific writers.
For those Seventh and Eighth graders who might think this challenge is out of your league; I do not agree. I have seen you tooling along all semester, and you are more than holding your own. As a matter of fact, the best outlined notes I have seen this semester are from seventh and eight graders. This is what Gladwell talks about when he refers to, 'restriction of range.'
Some of you might argue that this is unfair to anyone who has completed feedback assignments throughout the semester. My response is that you have an even greater advantage because you have banked some phenomenal information that no one can ever take away from you. You have already upped your chances because you have invested in preparation. You are doing what Louis Pasteur talked about. I assure you that, once you have watched this video, you will better understand why there really are no short-cuts.
I sincerely hope every student takes advantage of this opportunity - think of Wayne Gretsky as a baby, or Gladwell's story about the runner who wanted to run up a hill backwards. I also hope you share the time to watch this with each other, your parents and your friends. I even encourage you to work together as a family to write this up, because working together is a good thing. My reason for encouraging this is also embedded in the video. There are hundreds if not infinite tangents you can take regarding this assignment. Its the 'brick-and-blanket' test.
That is why there is no way to 'cheat' this assignment; your reward is directly correlated to your personal investment and contribution to this Feedback Response. Only you will know if you deserve it. Make it yours.
It will be interesting to see who takes up this challenge. Will it be the established die-hards that always give me Feedbacks? Will it be the tortoises or the hares? I can't wait to find out. notwithstanding, this offering comes to you on the shiniest night of November 2012. It just worked out that way. Let's just call it Malcolm's Moonlight Madness.
Now, grab some popcorn and a note pad...
Friday, November 16, 2012
Happiness - The Surprising Science
Here is a partial transcript that summarizes Professor Gilbert's findings on happiness and strategies to achieve it:
"... in other words, 'yes,' somethings are better than others.
We should have preferences that lead us into one future over another. But, when those preference drive us too hard, and too fast because we have overrated the difference between these futures, we are at risk.
When our ambition is bounded, it leads us to work joyfully. When our ambition is unbounded, it leads us to lie, cheat, to steal, to hurt others, to sacrifice things of real value.
When our fears are bounded, we're prudent, we're cautious, we're thoughtful. When our fears are unbounded, and overblown, we're reckless and we're cowardly.
The lesson I want to leave you with from these data is that our longings and our worries are both, to some degree, overblown because we have within us, the capacity to manufacture the very commodity we are constantly chasing when we choose experience."
Dan Gilbert PhD
Professor of Psychology - Harvard University
Some things to ponder:
What is the lesson you take away regarding happiness and short-term decisions?
- How does this apply to your 'pursuit' of happiness?
- Is it plausible that, when the potential rewards are immediate, we tend to lose sight of how a quick decision affects a long-term outcome?
- Can this explain why we tend ignore the potential damage because a short term reward eclipses long-term goals?
- Being aware of this reality, are we better armed to handle quick decisions?
- Are quick decisions bad? Why do you suppose humans are wired to make quick decisions?
- Os there an evolutionary benefit for quick decision makers?
- Is making a decision to decide and sticking with it really that simple?
- Would you be willing to try it for a short period and see how it works out for you?
- Does deciding to decide seem like settling for second best to you? Why or why not?
- What does this tell us about cheating? Choosing the best answer on a test? Saying the wrong thing because we are inclined to respond quickly rather than thoughtfully?
However, it must meet the following criteria: 1500 word minimum (to 10,000 words maximum) to include a summary of the video and an exposition that discusses a topic of your choice mentioned in the video. Make sure it is copy edited, spell checked and set-up in a word document.
Should you elect to take this challenge, your essay on this post ought to be fun, and rewarding for you. If you take any other approach to it, or if it ceases to be fun, then you are doing something wrong.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Innovating to Zero - Bill Gates
The good news is you will one day make decisions about your world. The bad news is that one day, you will have to make decisions about your world. You will be held responsible for the decisions you make.
Being educated enough to know how to spot a miracle and make a miracle happen "in a very short time-line" will be to your benefit.
Something to ponder:
What does this mean?
CO2 = P x E x S x C
Please discuss.
However, it must meet the following criteria: 1500 word minimum (to 10,000 words maximum) to include a summary of the video and an exposition that discusses a topic of your choice mentioned in the video. Make sure it is copy edited, spell checked and set-up in a word document.
Should you elect to take this challenge, your essay on this post ought to be fun, and rewarding for you. If you take any other approach to it, or if it ceases to be fun, then you are doing something wrong.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Golden Circle - How to Inspire Action
"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it..."
How does the "Law of Diffusion of Innovation" relate to the video called, "How to Start a Movement." (click here to see)
Items to ponder:
1] What is the significance of Simon Sinek's statements: "
A There leaders, and there are those who lead." ... Those who lead because they inspire us...
B] We follow them, not because we have to, but because we want to." ?
2] Can you make any connections between what Sinek is talking about and
A] people significant in your life?
B] your teachers and this statement?
3] How about the recent elections? How does this awareness effect your perspective on the November 6 results?
4] Can you make a connection between this talk and the video you first saw at the beginning of the semester regarding how to start a movement?
5] Can you draw any connections between what you are seeing here and any of the other blog posts you have seen here?
A] Example: Explain how this video is tied to, "Long Division Style." (click here to see)
6] Can you give an example of how Sinek's talk might be something you can you use this knowledge in your future?
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
"We are, and will be, The United States of America."
"... I want to thank every American who participated in this election. Whether you voted for the very first time — or waited in line for a very long time — by the way, we have to fix that. Whether you pounded the pavement or picked up the phone — whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you made your voice heard and you made a difference...
...But despite all our differences, most of us share certain hopes for America's future.
We want our kids to grow up in a country where they have access to the best schools and the best teachers — a country that lives up to its legacy as the global leader in technology and discovery and innovation with all of the good jobs and new businesses that follow.
We want our children to live in an America that isn't burdened by debt, that isn't weakened up by inequality, that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.
We want to pass on a country that's safe and respected and admired around the world, a nation that is defended by the strongest military on earth and the best troops this — this world has ever known — but also a country that moves with confidence beyond this time of war to shape a peace that is built on the promise of freedom and dignity for every human being.
We believe in a generous America, in a compassionate America, in a tolerant America open to the dreams of an immigrant's daughter who studies in our schools and pledges to our flag — to the young boy on the south side of Chicago who sees a life beyond the nearest street corner — to the furniture worker's child in North Carolina who wants to become a doctor or a scientist, an engineer or an entrepreneur, a diplomat or even a president...
...We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and forever will be, the United States of America..."
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Election Night Victory Speech
6 November 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Dog Physics - A Smart Lab
What dogs really do when we are not home watching them...
From the dog's point of view, his master is an elongated and abnormally cunning dog. ~Mabel Louise Robinson
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Let's Talk Teflon
For those of you studying Chemistry and Physics, this video offers interesting insight regarding Teflon; what it is, how it works and whether it is Carcinogenic.
Now, this kid isn't going to be knocking off a Grammy anytime soon, but his song is real my fellow brainiacs. His science is solid. I love the shout out he gave to his teacher. See if you can tell me what her name was.
Do you feel it, yo? Get low! ...Lowest coefficient of friction, that is.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Try this in Smart Lab - It can be done
What in the world is a 'Nanoquadrotor?'
I'm awestruck.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Into The Wild - By Jan Krakauer - My Book Review
Jon Krakauer's book recounts the life, and death of Christopher J. "Alex Supertramp" McCandless, a young man who lived his life, and died as he followed the self-chosen a path of an aesthete.
Krakauer's exploration and retelling of how McCandless met his end is interesting and offers plenty of insight - albeit conjectured at some points throughout the rendition - as to how someone chooses to live, the commitment it takes to survive in such a quest and the deadly results when there is a lack of preparation to meet unforeseen challenges.
The author originally wrote about McCandless' death in Outside Magazine and decided to expand on what he wrote, ostensibly to gain a deeper perspective of McCandless; who he was, how he came to his decision to live, and the ominous repercussions tied to his Alaska adventure.
I liked the book because it seemed to capture who Chris McCandless was. More than that, because the book is fraught with literary references culled from the writing of Thoreau, Muir, Stegner and Pasternak plus many more, it is a treasure trove for readers like me. Into the Wild is a quick, interesting exploration of real world consequences replete with literary references that explore the intellectual sojourns of various writers throughout history that have attempted to speak to Man's search for the meaning of life.
The story was compelling. It would make for great classroom exploration - especially at the high school level where young adults can relate to McCandless' struggle to assert his existence, and challenge himself in ways that are at times foolhardy and yet somehow admirable because they are rites of passage. It is a fascinating study of risk-taking behavior - particularly among young men. While I have heard the term 'arrogance of youth' bandied, it seems more apropos to describe it as, the 'innocence of youth.'
If anything, there are powerful lessons to be gained in Krakauer's book for people of all ages. While this book serves as testimony to the Human spirit, the sanctity of life, and the importance of each and every person's right to live - even if it means dying - according to our own design - it also serves as fair warning that the reason behind such stories has more to do with what not to do, or at least, the relevance of tapping into prior knowledge and becoming informed. Those who don't, will suffer the consequences, because nature - and the world for that matter - is unforgiving of ignorance regardless of whether such ignorance is rooted in lack of knowledge or deliberate rejection of information, based on hubris or idealized notions rooted in romanticized self-determination.
The reinforcing message is that we can all learn something. When we elect not to, we do so at our peril. It reminds me of Louis Pasteur's observation that, "Chance favors a prepared mind."
For those who dismiss McCandless as a hopeless romantic or an arrogant kid toying with danger, I can only wonder how they must view themselves and all the loopy things they did when they were young. The fact is we all have done many things that were flat out dangerous and somehow, we survived. Some of us were lucky enough to get through the days of our youth unscathed and Christopher Johnson McCandless didn't. Lest we all forget, in these days so peppered by judgment; McCandless life was lived on his own terms but he died on Nature's terms chiefly because he was ill equipped with the appropriate knowledge required to survive in the wild. In the end however, we all learn from our mistakes if we are lucky enough to survive them.
I am reminded of the lyrics from a Paul Simon song that went,
"...Now I sit by my window
And I watch the cars
I fear I'll do some damage
One fine day
But I would not be convicted
By a jury of my peers
Still crazy after all these years..."
Krakauer's exploration and retelling of how McCandless met his end is interesting and offers plenty of insight - albeit conjectured at some points throughout the rendition - as to how someone chooses to live, the commitment it takes to survive in such a quest and the deadly results when there is a lack of preparation to meet unforeseen challenges.
The author originally wrote about McCandless' death in Outside Magazine and decided to expand on what he wrote, ostensibly to gain a deeper perspective of McCandless; who he was, how he came to his decision to live, and the ominous repercussions tied to his Alaska adventure.
I liked the book because it seemed to capture who Chris McCandless was. More than that, because the book is fraught with literary references culled from the writing of Thoreau, Muir, Stegner and Pasternak plus many more, it is a treasure trove for readers like me. Into the Wild is a quick, interesting exploration of real world consequences replete with literary references that explore the intellectual sojourns of various writers throughout history that have attempted to speak to Man's search for the meaning of life.
The story was compelling. It would make for great classroom exploration - especially at the high school level where young adults can relate to McCandless' struggle to assert his existence, and challenge himself in ways that are at times foolhardy and yet somehow admirable because they are rites of passage. It is a fascinating study of risk-taking behavior - particularly among young men. While I have heard the term 'arrogance of youth' bandied, it seems more apropos to describe it as, the 'innocence of youth.'
If anything, there are powerful lessons to be gained in Krakauer's book for people of all ages. While this book serves as testimony to the Human spirit, the sanctity of life, and the importance of each and every person's right to live - even if it means dying - according to our own design - it also serves as fair warning that the reason behind such stories has more to do with what not to do, or at least, the relevance of tapping into prior knowledge and becoming informed. Those who don't, will suffer the consequences, because nature - and the world for that matter - is unforgiving of ignorance regardless of whether such ignorance is rooted in lack of knowledge or deliberate rejection of information, based on hubris or idealized notions rooted in romanticized self-determination.
The reinforcing message is that we can all learn something. When we elect not to, we do so at our peril. It reminds me of Louis Pasteur's observation that, "Chance favors a prepared mind."
For those who dismiss McCandless as a hopeless romantic or an arrogant kid toying with danger, I can only wonder how they must view themselves and all the loopy things they did when they were young. The fact is we all have done many things that were flat out dangerous and somehow, we survived. Some of us were lucky enough to get through the days of our youth unscathed and Christopher Johnson McCandless didn't. Lest we all forget, in these days so peppered by judgment; McCandless life was lived on his own terms but he died on Nature's terms chiefly because he was ill equipped with the appropriate knowledge required to survive in the wild. In the end however, we all learn from our mistakes if we are lucky enough to survive them.
I am reminded of the lyrics from a Paul Simon song that went,
"...Now I sit by my window
And I watch the cars
I fear I'll do some damage
One fine day
But I would not be convicted
By a jury of my peers
Still crazy after all these years..."
Thursday, October 18, 2012
A Glimpse into the Mind of a Poet - and our Future Generation
I watch my students working so hard everyday to master the materials they are presented with on their trek toward graduation. Their accomplishments have come at a high price. However, as we reach the half-way mark in the semester, the fruits of their investment is becoming manifest. Such success could not have come to fruition without the support and sacrifices made by their families.
I have seen discouragement turn to hope and dejection give way to pride. Anyone who says that American youth go for the easy way out have not seen my students. I have witnessed them meet their challenges, and their struggle to overcome the obstacles that awaited them when they elected to adopt a whole new approach to acquiring their education. Thus far, their efforts have been rewarded. I am awed by their dedication and persistence.
I have chosen to feature this video because it represents all that is good about our American youth. I admire this young poet's message and her outlook. Like my students, her message is filled with hope. She reminds me of each and every one of my kids. She is brilliant, forward looking, kind and thoughtful.
Malcolm Gladwell distinguishes high achievers from their peers by ability to seize opportunities as they arise. My students ambitious pursuit of a solid education is paying off. This school, whose population numbers just about 300 dedicated, hard-working souls who prove by their actions every day, they have what it takes. They understand that embedded in every failure is a learning opportunity.
I have every confidence they will be able to hold their own in this ever more competitive world. To all those chicken-little types who fill our airwaves with doom and gloom, I say do not worry, because our kids are working harder than we ever did, and they are having fun doing it. They are becoming life-long learners with twenty-first century learning skills.
1] I can do this - Confidence
2] I will do this - Persistence
3] I have to be me - Faithfulness to self
Her generation's biggest obstacle will not be fiscal. It will be overcoming the worst gift our generation has passed on to them; the inertia of pessimism and blind fealty to tribalism based on color, creed and class.
Always do your best, and keep your focus on your goals. The race doesn't always go to the swiftest.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Einstein: His Life and Universe - By Walter Isaacaon - My Review
I read this book a couple of years ago and just didn't like it at all. Re-reading it has caused Walter Isaacson to grow on me, immensely.
Isaacson offers an glimpse into Albert Einstein's life that is both intimate and profound. This biography helps me to appreciate just the power of Einstein's contributions to Physics and moreover his impact on so many of the conveniences and technological advancements modern life offers to the unsuspecting.
Isaacson offers an glimpse into Albert Einstein's life that is both intimate and profound. This biography helps me to appreciate just the power of Einstein's contributions to Physics and moreover his impact on so many of the conveniences and technological advancements modern life offers to the unsuspecting.
And yet, his Humanity, his imperfections, and personal failings help me to realize that we are all flawed in some way or another. We are in fact just ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Einstein's talent lay in his ability to navigate complexities in purely the world of the mind. His ability to posit difficult concepts was unhindered by his inability to perform the complex mathematical computations until which time he was forced to recon with his lack of mastery in the discipline.
To me, that is probably the most fascinating idea I took away from this biography; if you don't have an answer, you seek solutions by formulating questions and seeking out the answers in a methodical, intelligent way. This is the genius of Einstein. What I would like to read about next is a book by someone like Malcolm Gladwell who explores the 'how' behind Einstein's metacognitive capacities.
I come away from this biography with a sense of wonder about Einstein the Human Being. I have always been awed by Einstein's capacity to conduct thought experiments and to visualize mathematical concepts in his mind. Because of the insights offered in this tome, I carry away a deeper appreciation for Walter Isaacson, the researcher, writer and perhaps even student of Physics. His capacity to vet out complex theories and concepts is to be commended. This is not an easy read, but it certainly is worth the effort to keep up.
I come away from this biography with a sense of wonder about Einstein the Human Being. I have always been awed by Einstein's capacity to conduct thought experiments and to visualize mathematical concepts in his mind. Because of the insights offered in this tome, I carry away a deeper appreciation for Walter Isaacson, the researcher, writer and perhaps even student of Physics. His capacity to vet out complex theories and concepts is to be commended. This is not an easy read, but it certainly is worth the effort to keep up.
I can't really say why, but I felt a tinge of sadness when I finished this book. I regret not having ever met Einstein. While there is no chance that would ever have had the opportunity to do so even if he were alive, I am nonetheless touched by his Humanity. I feel richer for knowing about Albert Einstein the man, and I cannot help but wonder how many lives were senselessly destroyed in the holocaust.
I often shake my head wondering just how many brilliant young minds fall through the proverbial cracks in the educational world. Perhaps, because of that, I find myself even more disappointed that fine minds are lost every day to the poverty and inertia created by greed, xenophobia and intolerance. I find ironic that we, as a society are appalled at the wholesale destruction of human intelligence in concentration camps, and yet, we suffer from this collective blindness when it comes to the children that we leave to fend for themselves in an educational system that cares so little about whether they learn or not.
It drives the point home for me that every Human Being has an intrinsic
value. Because of that, I am grateful for having the opportunity to
work for young people, and helping them to master abstract concepts which will one day serve them to understand complex phenomena.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Power of Music - The Power of Understanding
Oliver Sachs MD*, the narrator in this video is a Medical Doctor who specializes in, and has devoted his entire career to neuroscience; study how the brain works. He has written several popular books - some have even made it into the New York Times Best Seller List.
This Video offers insight to how the brain is wired. I believe the most compelling message that I can take away after watching this elderly gentleman is that we Humans know so very little about how the brain functions. That said, this video also shows me there is hope that we may some day come to understand the complexities of the brain. It also illustrates how people can devote their lives to helping one another - and more importantly - that anyone with a genuine desire can bring about significant changes in the lives of others. In this case, it was a Recreatonal Therapist who found a way to help a fellow Human Being - the gentleman named, Henry.
Neurobiology, the science of nerve cells - the tissue components that make up our nervous system - is a rapidly developing field. And, researchers-turned-writers, like Oliver Sachs have popularized the topic by discussing why we do what we do.
As a teacher - and because of my curiosity about why things work - I look at this video and wonder how I can apply such findings to my students. I reach many conclusions. Here are just three:
1] All brains work the same - therefore when I see a phenomenon like using music to reach into the mind of someone who suffers, it helps me to understand that there are generalized lessons we can take away regarding how we process information. In a very real way, seeing this offers hope where once there was none.
2] I realize that different people respond differently to different stimuli. Which causes me to wonder if there is something in music, or maybe even just in the way I can approach my students, other fellow Human Beings or creatures in order to make connections that will have positive outcomes.
For instance, in education, a big buzzword term is, "differentiated instruction" which simply means finding ways to teach students according to their need - in other words, customizing the learning process on an individualized basis with the intent of helping a student learn in ways that are easiest for that student.
For instance, in education, a big buzzword term is, "differentiated instruction" which simply means finding ways to teach students according to their need - in other words, customizing the learning process on an individualized basis with the intent of helping a student learn in ways that are easiest for that student.
3] Communication is
über important. If I understand that thinking, or developing special talents is basically like a having a set of well-traveled pathways developed in the mind, then what are the best ways to develop pathways? Could it be repetition? Could it be teaching my students to understand? How about emotions, and how my students are feeling? How much does that have to do with helping a student to learn? Is it better to have a calm student? How does making learning seem like fun help students to retain information?
I use this relaxed teaching approach because I am convinced a happy, relaxed student is more apt to learn. I have made a conscious decision to take my time whenever I am helping a student learn a difficult concept. I want my students to realize that when we are calm is when we are most likely to develop a deep understanding of a very difficult concept. I do so because a student that feels respected, calm - even loved - is most likely to flourish in school, and more importantly, Life.
It is fairly common knowledge that people mimic behaviors, so a child that has been treated with respect will be respectful. A child treated with kindness learns how to be kind.
Conversely, a child that has not been valued will not be very pleasant to be around. To my way of thinking, such a child should not be shunned but rather, understood - because bad behaviors can be changed and people will be just about whatever we expect them to be.
And so, my fellow Human Beings, whether we are teachers or students, let us make as many connections as possible - not only with what we are learning, but - with one another and everything on the planet.
It is said that knowledge is power. If that is so, then the most powerful tool we have is understanding, and understanding is nothing more than learning.
Learning is life and Life is learning.
Always do your best, and never quit.
Mr. M.
*NOTE: If you see a different colored word in the text, this means it is a link. You can click on these links for further information on the highlighted word, topic or phrase. You can then click on the back arrow at the top of your screen to bring you back to this article.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Thank A Physicist ... Think Like A Physicist
Sometimes students approach me and ask, "When am I ever going to use any of this Physics, or Math, or Biology or... ?"
Watch this video and see if you can get a feel for the power in just a few of the concepts you are learning in your classes. You might think that you aren't learning Physics, but will I argue that there is Physics & Science - everywhere you turn, and everywhere you learn.
Let me know what you think about it.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Utility of Bad Questions on Tests - and in Life
I received an inquiry on Friday, 12 October 2012 from a student whom I will call, "X". X was concerned about a couple of poor-quality questions on an exam.* After taking around 3 hours to figure out what was happening, I wrote a detailed response - about the questions, in question.
It was a huge time investment - particularly on a vacation day, but I couldn't figure out why it continued to perplex me even after I went through all the trouble to figure it out. I could not put the issue to rest. In retrospect, I believe it had something to do with valuable lessons I learned regarding questions, and how they are framed, so here we go...
It was a huge time investment - particularly on a vacation day, but I couldn't figure out why it continued to perplex me even after I went through all the trouble to figure it out. I could not put the issue to rest. In retrospect, I believe it had something to do with valuable lessons I learned regarding questions, and how they are framed, so here we go...
The following letters offer insight regarding teaching, learning, test-taking - and even life.
For privacy's sake, I have culled out anything from the correspondences that might identify the student, "X.".
"Dear X,
requirement for you to have detailed notes is so that we can address whatever
deficiencies in understanding that may arise. Moreover, having your
detailed notes helps me to pinpoint any deficiencies in the curriculum
when a student makes a claim that s/he is not being adequately prepared for
what s/he is being tested on. Most
of all though, is the fact that your notes are immensely beneficial to helping
you develop disciplined thinking.
... Basically, I had two choices:
... Basically, I had two choices:
1] Reject your claim and let your grade stand, or
Personally review the Direct Instruction and lab Lectures you have alluded
I decided to go back and review the lectures, and all other related material in
order to determine whether your claim is in fact substantiated. I don't
mind doing this however, it is very time-intensive, therefore inefficient and
not something I can do on a regular basis with the three hundred science
students that I work for. I hope you appreciate this being one of my
reasons for requiring detailed notes from you all.
is what I found in my investigation regarding your claims about the exam on Measurement
on Chemistry - which you received an 84%:
1] Question 10:
1] Question 10:
difference between an accepted value and an experimental value is called a(n)
You answered, "percent error."
The answer was "error." - that was covered in the lecture entitled, "How Reliable are Measurements." of your lecture covering "percent error". This is why you missed it:
There are two formulas you need to know in order to answer the question:
a) error is the difference between accepted value and experimental value: The testers have given you the answer in the question. This is not a chemistry error on your part, but rather, your failure to logic out the answer. The testers are attempting to get you to rely on prior knowledge from Algebra. They are checking whether you have an enduring understanding of arithmetic and word problems.
Mathematics tells us that the word, "difference" means subtraction. The way the sentence sequence in the question is worded, tells us that experimental value is subtracted from the accepted value.
The lecture did not cover the "+" or "-" values, but that has to do with whether the experimental value was greater or lesser than the expected value.
b) for percent error: % error = (experimental value/accepted value) x 100% - so, you see, you were parroting an answer that you had memorized without actually understanding what you were being tested on.
You may consider this to be trick question, but this is precisely where students of science make common errors; they think they know an answer without being skeptical about what they are being asked.
2] Question 21
"How close a series of measurements are to each other"
You answered, "percent error" the answer was "Precision" - and, it was also covered in the Lecture, "How Reliable are Measurements." at the 58 second mark. It was the archery example; arrows landing in close proximity on a target may be precise and still be lacking in accuracy.
3] Question 24:
experimenter's best estimate of how far an experimental quantity might be from
the "true value" is called __________.
a guess
You answered, "D."
answer was, "uncertainty." - which was not covered directly in your
lecture. But let's go through the possible answers:
uncertainty - actually has to do with the difference between what we know and what we don't know. Thus, uncertainty deals with accuracy and precision - both of which are related to one another based upon qualitative and/or quantitative differences. Thus, by deduction, this seems the most plausible answer because it actually deals with numbers.
Science - is a discipline that involves study - in the bigger picture, while it does involve making estimations, it would be wrong to define science as making estimates between experimental quantities and true values. In other words, this definition is too limited to describe what we do in science.
Inferring - is the process whereby we draw a conclusion about something or have a hunch that something either is going to occur or has occurred. It too could mean that we are estimating but again, while inferring includes estimating, estimating is not inferring.
a guess - is another word for hypothesis which means drawing a conclusion between what we see and making some sort of prediction about why something is occurring based on our observations.
uncertainty - actually has to do with the difference between what we know and what we don't know. Thus, uncertainty deals with accuracy and precision - both of which are related to one another based upon qualitative and/or quantitative differences. Thus, by deduction, this seems the most plausible answer because it actually deals with numbers.
Science - is a discipline that involves study - in the bigger picture, while it does involve making estimations, it would be wrong to define science as making estimates between experimental quantities and true values. In other words, this definition is too limited to describe what we do in science.
Inferring - is the process whereby we draw a conclusion about something or have a hunch that something either is going to occur or has occurred. It too could mean that we are estimating but again, while inferring includes estimating, estimating is not inferring.
a guess - is another word for hypothesis which means drawing a conclusion between what we see and making some sort of prediction about why something is occurring based on our observations.
You may not like this problem because it was not spelled out for you in either lecture.
But, this is what real science is like; it is about being to discern
minute differences based on your observations. It is what separated people like Isaac Newton, Albert
Einstein and the late Richard Feynman (the physicist who figured out why the
space shuttle Challenger blew up - it had to do with expansion and contraction of
an "O" ring) from the rest of us mere mortals...
I really want you to put all your notes - prior notes included - into outline form because you will be able to reference all of them for the cumulative exam....you should always be able to review your notes for future classes - either here or at the university once you graduate and move on from here.
I also want you to burn this in your brain; your notes are an extension of your memory. That said, sloppy notes =sloppy thinking. If you invest your energy into excellent notes, you will remember finer details, and you will organize them much better that you are more apt to recall them on demand. Failing that, you can always rely on them for all your assessments, quizzes and exams...
I really want you to put all your notes - prior notes included - into outline form because you will be able to reference all of them for the cumulative exam....you should always be able to review your notes for future classes - either here or at the university once you graduate and move on from here.
I also want you to burn this in your brain; your notes are an extension of your memory. That said, sloppy notes =sloppy thinking. If you invest your energy into excellent notes, you will remember finer details, and you will organize them much better that you are more apt to recall them on demand. Failing that, you can always rely on them for all your assessments, quizzes and exams...
More than that, I think it would be wonderful for you to actually see the
qualitative improvement in your note-taking skills, and their direct correlation
to your test scores over time - from now until you graduate.*
Please let me know what you want to do, and above all, do not lose heart. This is tough material you are working with. The intellectual playground you are now in, is one which all science students throughout history have had to learn the rules in order to play there. You are no different. We all have to pay these dues.
Always do your best and never quit.
Mr. M"
Please let me know what you want to do, and above all, do not lose heart. This is tough material you are working with. The intellectual playground you are now in, is one which all science students throughout history have had to learn the rules in order to play there. You are no different. We all have to pay these dues.
Always do your best and never quit.
Mr. M"
*...I occasionally look back upon
my notes from high school and it brings both a chuckle and a smile. I
owe so much to Mr. Mike Gruner, my high school science teacher and All-American Hero. Thank you Mr Gruner. I can never pay you back for all you did... :O)
Now here is the follow up letter to Mr X.
"Dear X,
I have been giving a lot of thought to your e-mail yesterday, and I want to thank you.
It occurred to me when I awoke this morning, that the reason why I invested so much time - 3 hours - into my response was because I saw it a s a teaching moment for you - and for me.
It helped me to understand the utility of difficult, or even 'bad' questions on tests. To my way of thinking, poorly worded questions are more reflective of what actually happens in the real world - especially science - where neatly defined answers rarely come.
I am willing to argue that the, "percent error" question taught both of us more than we ever bargained for. It did so because it caused us to think deeper about the implications of what an error in science is defined to be, it also helped us to realize that in science - as in life - some answers are not so obvious; more importantly, we should never discount the obvious because sometimes the simplest answers are the most complex.
That is what all great thinkers throughout have found; the simple is truly profound. I recently put two different posts on the blog;
1] The Scientific Method - Why it counts (click here)
2] Occam's Razor (click here)
They both speak to this issue. You ought to visit the blogs, because both posts offer us insight regarding the discipline of Science, and moreover, its utility for dealing with nearly every problem life can throw at us.
It may seem funny to you, but I used the Scientific Method when I was a Freshman in College because I was terribly shy, but loved to dance. In those days, we needed partners to dance so, I made my observations, came up with a plan - my hypothesis - in order to get the girls to dance with me. My initial experiment filed so I had to tweak my plan. It turned out that just walking up to a girl and asking her to dance wasn't really how asking a girl to dance simply didn't work. I theorized that using humor might help me out so, I tried it and, as the French say, "voila!" it worked. I planned my work, I worked my plan and I attenuated it to the point where I was soon being asked to dance.
I could go into how I used the Scientific Method to get my parents to let me drive a car, but this is becoming a digression. Perhaps we can talk about that little venture some other time.
Getting back to the test.
The next question we covered had to do with usage of a common logic tool used in the Scientist's bag of tricks; deductive reasoning. The question whose answer was, "uncertainty" most certainly was the answer, and we came to it by eliminating each of the other answers.
I am not really bragging here, but I am pretty proud of myself because I really know how to ask good questions. That is perhaps the most important thing to know about learning. We never know answers, but if we can formulate intelligent questions, then we have a better chance of coming up with useful answers.
To that end, I had an epiphany about test-taking - and dealing with life's questions; whenever we are confronted with a question, our natural inclination is to come up with an answer. Because of that, our approach is flawed. We should always face a question with a question that way we know what we are in fact being asked. I am convinced the lion's share of questions on tests, and life for that matter are wrongly answered because we are so solution oriented as a species.
Moreover, I am absolutely convinced that this is the first point of divergence that truly brilliant Human Beings take. It is what separates true innovators from the rest. I would even go so far as to say that it is a trait shared by all of the brilliant minds that have gone before us. It is a fundamental trait commonly referred to as, "geniuses."
I mentioned Sir Issac Newton - who invented Calculus in order to explain his theory on Gravity and the movement of the planets. He did this in less than two years - at the age of 23. Building upon that base of knowledge, Albert Einstein developed the theory of Relativity at age 27 and came up with the famous energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. He did this because he wondered - at age 16, what it might be like to travel on a light beam.
I have another post on Femto photography going on at MIT RIGHT NOW (click here) - they are taking photos of photons of light at a trillionth of a second. In doing so, they are showing the world what Einstein imagined in his head; light can act like a particle, and a wave. This is called, "the dual nature of light." Again, you should visit the blog and see for yourself how people with ingenious questions are coming up with remarkable answers.
I also mentioned Richard Feynman - an American Physicist who was a member of the Congressional appointed committee charged with investigating the Space Shuttle Challenger's disastrous explosion. Through his ingenious, elegant demonstration, he showed how the disaster could have been avoided. Placing an "O" ring in ice water, he was able to show the world a simple concept of physics - expansion and contraction due to heat transfer.
Like the other two giants I mentioned here, Richard Feynman had no answer book to turn to. All he had was his basic knowledge built upon from constantly building upon his learning by making connections with prior knowledge. They also shared something in common, learning is fun. Learning is done not because of tests, but rather because it it is a form of play. That is why I referred to Science as an intellectual playground.
Mathematics and science for that matter is not at all easy. But what it lacks in ease of understanding, it more than makes up for in being fun. If learning chemistry isn't fun, then we are approaching it wrong. Finally, I want to point out that mathematics and the exercises we must endeavor to master are difficult to master because truly conceptualizing what happens in mathematics really goes on between the ears.
Einstein lamented, just days before he died, that he didn't know math better. Yeah right! Well, Einstein did all of his Science in his head and only later pushed himself to master Mathematics as a means of explaining what he envisioned as he formulated thought experiments in his mind. Again, this speaks to not having the answer and working to find it.
I close this correspondence with a reminder; noting ever worth having is easy. You have demonstrated a talent for Chemistry. I can confidently predict that one day you will far surpass my ability in this field of study. I can also predict that when you get to the playground of Physics, you are going to have a blast. You are a brilliant kid and whether you realize it or not, you are just approaching the time in your life when your brain is going to be working optimally.
That is why it is important to fill your brain with all of these basics. Forget about the grade point and learn for the sake of learning. I assure you the grades will come. Nothing is easier than when it becomes a game - when it becomes fun. Take the pressure off yourself and understand that there is nothing more powerful than the creativity of an unencumbered mind. Humans as a species learn through play, so learn to play and play to learn.
Always do your best, and never quit.
Mr. M"
I have been giving a lot of thought to your e-mail yesterday, and I want to thank you.
It occurred to me when I awoke this morning, that the reason why I invested so much time - 3 hours - into my response was because I saw it a s a teaching moment for you - and for me.
It helped me to understand the utility of difficult, or even 'bad' questions on tests. To my way of thinking, poorly worded questions are more reflective of what actually happens in the real world - especially science - where neatly defined answers rarely come.
I am willing to argue that the, "percent error" question taught both of us more than we ever bargained for. It did so because it caused us to think deeper about the implications of what an error in science is defined to be, it also helped us to realize that in science - as in life - some answers are not so obvious; more importantly, we should never discount the obvious because sometimes the simplest answers are the most complex.
That is what all great thinkers throughout have found; the simple is truly profound. I recently put two different posts on the blog;
1] The Scientific Method - Why it counts (click here)
2] Occam's Razor (click here)
They both speak to this issue. You ought to visit the blogs, because both posts offer us insight regarding the discipline of Science, and moreover, its utility for dealing with nearly every problem life can throw at us.
It may seem funny to you, but I used the Scientific Method when I was a Freshman in College because I was terribly shy, but loved to dance. In those days, we needed partners to dance so, I made my observations, came up with a plan - my hypothesis - in order to get the girls to dance with me. My initial experiment filed so I had to tweak my plan. It turned out that just walking up to a girl and asking her to dance wasn't really how asking a girl to dance simply didn't work. I theorized that using humor might help me out so, I tried it and, as the French say, "voila!" it worked. I planned my work, I worked my plan and I attenuated it to the point where I was soon being asked to dance.
I could go into how I used the Scientific Method to get my parents to let me drive a car, but this is becoming a digression. Perhaps we can talk about that little venture some other time.
Getting back to the test.
The next question we covered had to do with usage of a common logic tool used in the Scientist's bag of tricks; deductive reasoning. The question whose answer was, "uncertainty" most certainly was the answer, and we came to it by eliminating each of the other answers.
I am not really bragging here, but I am pretty proud of myself because I really know how to ask good questions. That is perhaps the most important thing to know about learning. We never know answers, but if we can formulate intelligent questions, then we have a better chance of coming up with useful answers.
To that end, I had an epiphany about test-taking - and dealing with life's questions; whenever we are confronted with a question, our natural inclination is to come up with an answer. Because of that, our approach is flawed. We should always face a question with a question that way we know what we are in fact being asked. I am convinced the lion's share of questions on tests, and life for that matter are wrongly answered because we are so solution oriented as a species.
Moreover, I am absolutely convinced that this is the first point of divergence that truly brilliant Human Beings take. It is what separates true innovators from the rest. I would even go so far as to say that it is a trait shared by all of the brilliant minds that have gone before us. It is a fundamental trait commonly referred to as, "geniuses."
I mentioned Sir Issac Newton - who invented Calculus in order to explain his theory on Gravity and the movement of the planets. He did this in less than two years - at the age of 23. Building upon that base of knowledge, Albert Einstein developed the theory of Relativity at age 27 and came up with the famous energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. He did this because he wondered - at age 16, what it might be like to travel on a light beam.
I have another post on Femto photography going on at MIT RIGHT NOW (click here) - they are taking photos of photons of light at a trillionth of a second. In doing so, they are showing the world what Einstein imagined in his head; light can act like a particle, and a wave. This is called, "the dual nature of light." Again, you should visit the blog and see for yourself how people with ingenious questions are coming up with remarkable answers.
I also mentioned Richard Feynman - an American Physicist who was a member of the Congressional appointed committee charged with investigating the Space Shuttle Challenger's disastrous explosion. Through his ingenious, elegant demonstration, he showed how the disaster could have been avoided. Placing an "O" ring in ice water, he was able to show the world a simple concept of physics - expansion and contraction due to heat transfer.
Like the other two giants I mentioned here, Richard Feynman had no answer book to turn to. All he had was his basic knowledge built upon from constantly building upon his learning by making connections with prior knowledge. They also shared something in common, learning is fun. Learning is done not because of tests, but rather because it it is a form of play. That is why I referred to Science as an intellectual playground.
Mathematics and science for that matter is not at all easy. But what it lacks in ease of understanding, it more than makes up for in being fun. If learning chemistry isn't fun, then we are approaching it wrong. Finally, I want to point out that mathematics and the exercises we must endeavor to master are difficult to master because truly conceptualizing what happens in mathematics really goes on between the ears.
Einstein lamented, just days before he died, that he didn't know math better. Yeah right! Well, Einstein did all of his Science in his head and only later pushed himself to master Mathematics as a means of explaining what he envisioned as he formulated thought experiments in his mind. Again, this speaks to not having the answer and working to find it.
I close this correspondence with a reminder; noting ever worth having is easy. You have demonstrated a talent for Chemistry. I can confidently predict that one day you will far surpass my ability in this field of study. I can also predict that when you get to the playground of Physics, you are going to have a blast. You are a brilliant kid and whether you realize it or not, you are just approaching the time in your life when your brain is going to be working optimally.
That is why it is important to fill your brain with all of these basics. Forget about the grade point and learn for the sake of learning. I assure you the grades will come. Nothing is easier than when it becomes a game - when it becomes fun. Take the pressure off yourself and understand that there is nothing more powerful than the creativity of an unencumbered mind. Humans as a species learn through play, so learn to play and play to learn.
Always do your best, and never quit.
Mr. M"
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