Friday, September 28, 2012

Wing Suit Flying


For your viewing pleasure, I have posted this video of wingsuit flyers.  As you view this video, from the science and mathematics perspectives, you will have an appreciation for:

1]  The Physics concept of Acceleration due to Gravity
2]  The phenomenon of airfoils
3]  The phenomenon of friction
4]  Wind resistance
5]  Fluid dynamics
6]  Resolution of vectors
7]  Mass-vs-weight-vs-density
8]  Force = mass x Acceleration
9]  Kinetic - vs - Potential Energy
10] The difference between velocity and acceleration

I could go on, but you get the point.  Here is a nice explanation;


  1. I think that sky diving would be fun but I don't know if I did do it I would for sure jump out of that plane it is really high to jump out of a plane like that would any of you guys jump out of that plane would you jump out of that plane Mr.Mirabal.

  2. I have a lot of admiration for all you kids who have the guts to do what us old guys have reservations about. This is precisely what life and the future are about. My job is to put all of you in a position where you use your acquired knowledge to face the future without trepidation.

    Personally, for a man my age, I'd really rather learn how to fly. Just as I see that motorcyclist zip past me on the freeway, and my heart soars to see that young person throw caution to the wind, I simultaneously worry for him and smile to myself at that kid who is loopy enough to think he can do something that scares the snot out of me.

    My short answer is, No, I am not going to wingsuit fly. I am however, going to get my pilot's license. You young ones can do that stuff, and I take comfort in knowing that the kids who will come behind you will scare the heck out of you!

  3. I am a samster! You are an awesome teacher Mr. Mirabal! SAMS ROCKS!
