Sunday, February 3, 2013

Faster Than The Speed Of Light? Six More Dimensions?

For those of you students wrestling with the concepts of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and the various hypotheses, laws and constructs you are faced with in Chemistry & Physics, here is the reason why you need to master them; ideas are being bandied, in the world of the mind are slowly progressing toward the notion of a Unified Field Theory - something that eluded Einstein and continues to escape scientists who have followed him.  

The world as we know it is changing rapidly - so much so - that, what we once found to be nuanced a century ago, even decades ago and more accurately, right now is the stuff science fiction didn't even come close to predicting; truth really is stranger than fiction.  

The world of the mind is where each of you will be far more suited to play. I happen to believe it is because the time you were born makes this possible - think of Malcolm Gladwell's arguments.  That said, I strongly adhere to the notion put forth by the scientist, Louis Pasteur who famously said, "Chance favors a prepared mind." 

I cannot come close to explaining what some of these concepts described in this video mean.  However, I have every confidence that there will be people among your generation that may in fact be able to get their heads wrapped around these topics.  To that end, this is why it is so critical that each of you endeavor to master the basic intellectual building blocks you are now studying because without them, you will be left behind, and our world will be the less for it.  

Rest assured, the assiduous efforts you make today will be rewarded in the future.  And, like a spinning bicycle wheel that comes into focus only instantaneously, thus will be your education.  Borrowing from that metaphor, as sure as we cannot see the wheel turning every moment, we none the less know that it continues in its motion. This is how your learning works as well; it turns and reveals itself - stingily at times - but it is building upon a base of knowledge that will serve its purpose in due time.

Now, conceptualizing the world in six more dimensions?  I hope we get there in my life time.

Always do your best and never quit.

Note: This video qualifies as a 5 point maximum extra credit paper for your semester's final Science grade - that's a half a grade added to your final grade.  

However, it must meet the following criteria:  1500 word minimum (to 10,000 words maximum) to include a summary of the video and an exposition that discusses a topic of your choice mentioned in the video.  Make sure it is copy edited, spell checked and set-up in a word document.  

Should you elect to take this challenge, your essay on this post ought to be fun, and rewarding for you.  If you take any other approach to it, or if it ceases to be fun, then you are doing something wrong.

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