Sunday, January 20, 2013

Digitopia & Abundance; Are we ready for it? - Michio Kaku

", take your, 'What if's,' and turn them into, 'Why not's!'" - Gabriel Byrne

This video just posted on 2 January of this year.  Enjoy! 

Note: This video qualifies as a 5 point maximum extra credit paper for your semester's final Science grade - that's a half a grade added to your final grade.  

However, it must meet the following criteria:  1500 word minimum (to 10,000 words maximum) to include a summary of the video and an exposition that discusses a topic of your choice mentioned in the video.  Make sure it is copy edited, spell checked and set-up in a word document.  

Should you elect to take this challenge, your essay on this post ought to be fun, and rewarding for you.  If you take any other approach to it, or if it ceases to be fun, then you are doing something wrong.

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