Sunday, October 6, 2013

Image versus Substance; What we see as opposed to what really is...


In this video short, Malcolm Gladwell discusses his reinterpretation of the Old Testament story about David and Goliath - the basis of his most recent book entitled the same.  Gladwell offers nuanced insights regarding how apparent underdogs may not necessarily doomed because shortcomings only appear so because they are based on a of frame of reference that is set by prevailing perspectives.  

Gladwell echoes a phenomenon discussed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his provocative, ground-breaking book, "Black Swan".  Taleb's premise is that we develop a sort of veiled consciousness because we are unprepared to see what may not be obvious.  Why?  Because we are locked onto seeing a different kind of obvious that has its roots according to currently held conventions.

I have always found it fascinating that weaknesses can be strengths and vice versa - and that is what this book explores. 

Endnote: You may receive Feedback Credit for submitting commentary on this video under the 1/12 posting criteria, or you may receive the full 5 points if you decide to submit a 1200-1500 book review for the Gladwell book.  Just let me know your intent via e-mail.

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