Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Never Give Up

"...Between stimulus and response, there is a space.  In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response.  In those choices lie our growth and happiness..." 

 As you watch this video, keep in mind that while each of us might like to believe that success is something we achieve on our own, and failures are something that falls on solely on our shoulders, we never are really alone.  

When you think about it, there are people in your life who contribute to your success, and support you when you fall.   Take some time to think about those people - your parents, your family, your teachers, coaches, others very special to you, and to whom you are also very special.  Thank your lucky stars that they are in your constellation, because when you succeed, they are there to cheer you on, and when you fall, they are there to support you all the way to the finish line.  

You are never alone.

My take away from this video is that bad things are bound to happen - they are a almost necessary part of life.  However, it is how we choose to react to adversity demonstrates our character.  In other words, we really do have a choice over how we react to challenges.  

Keep up the good fight, and never give up.
Mr. M

Thank you Mr. & Mrs. H. and Mr. Mrs. S.

Be humble for you are made of Earth.  Be noble for you are made of stars. - Serbian proverb

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