Sunday, September 8, 2013

High on Stress? You've got to be kidding! - Stress Resilience & the Biology of Courage

Have you ever  heard people say, "Bad things happen to everyone" or, "How we deal with those bad things reflects our character"  or, "Happiness is a choice."   It appears some of that folksy wisdom may have a biological relevance to it. This is what Science is telling us about the stress response, and here are a couple of the take-aways I got from Dr. Kelly McGonigal's lecture;
  • "Character creates  resilience..." 
  • "Chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort. And so, I would say that is really the best way to make decisions.  My advice is, 'go after what it is that makes meaning in your life, and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows.'"
Here's something to keep in mind;  "Helping others helps me."   

Make your profound statement in life.

Let me know what you got out of this Ted Talk.  You can feel free to expand on what I saw, or discuss whatever you found most compelling.  I can't wait to get your Feedback Responses. Also, this is one of the books written by Kelly McGonigal ph.D.

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